Thursday, February 3, 2011

Heroes Con Disaster of 2010

Did I ever mention that I tabled at HeroesCon this past summer in North Carolina? It was pretty bad. I thought I was gonna feel like this...

But instead I felt like this...
 Anyways, I did get some cool drawings done while I was out there so I posted a bunch of them on my flicker account along with (have a seat because this one is going to floor you) MY ENTIRE COMIC ABOUT DIOGENES THAT WOULD HAVE PREVIOUSLY SET YOU BACK ABOUT 8 BUCKS! That's right, a free comic. Check it out man! Here are a few of the bestworst drawings from the group.

Bad Powerman
Power Man!!

Bad Creeper
The Creeper!!

Bad Wolvering

Go to my flickr account and check out some of the work! Leave comments! This week I'll do another three panel strip so keep checking back!


A Stock said...
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A Stock said...

It was definitely not like Danzig. It was more like this:

Alex Karassavidis said...

Hahahah. Oh man that's perfect.